The Haywood County UT/TSU Extension office is now operating at full capacity. Clients who have not been fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus are encouraged to wear a mask and practice safe social distancing when visiting the office.

UT Extension serves the citizens of Haywood County with educational programs in the areas of Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Community Resource Development, and 4-H Youth Development. We are an outreach branch of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, providing research-based solutions and information to the citizens of Tennessee.
Haywood County is located in the rich, rolling farmlands of West Tennessee. The county seat of Brownsville and the town of Stanton are located here. Agriculture and the farming community are a vital part of the county’s economy. Haywood County grows more acres of cotton than any county in the state. With cotton being the stronghold, Haywood County farmers maintain a high level of diversification in their operations. Haywood County Extension offers programs for everybody!! Please contact our office for more information.